Create More Financial Abundance In Your Life

bouquet of 20 dollar bills

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Create More Financial Abundance in Your Life Now.

Life can be hard. Especially when we feel like we’re always pinching pennies and can’t enjoy the things we really want. Funds seem to never be enough. Financial abundance sounds like a cruel joke at that moment.

We play the blame game, you know it, the one where we blame everyone else for our troubles. It’s our boss’s fault that we didn’t get that promotion we deserved. It’s our parents fault because they didn’t teach us how to budget better. Our spouse’s fault because they don’t make more. We just have too much bad luck. Sound familiar?

What if I told you that that money mindset for financial abundance is really on YOU, your own energy? Further, that’s something completely within your control. You see, money is energy. It’s just something that we use to do and get the things we want. When we increase our financial energy, we open ourselves up to more opportunities and increase our financial flow.

This whole concept is new to me too, however I am finding it is starting to work and I just love including you on my journey, which now includes ways to create more financial abundance in our lives.

Ready to open some windows and doors, your mind! let the energy in? Let’s get started.

money mindset financial abundance

First, Let’s Explore What The Meaning of Financial Abundance Is.

Definition of Financial

Finance is defined as the management of money and includes activities such as investing, borrowing, lending, budgeting, saving, and forecasting. source: Corporate Finance Institute

Definition of Wealth

Wealth measures the value of all the assets of worth owned. Calculated by Net worth less debt. source: Investopedia

Definition of Abundance

  1. an ample quantity an abundant amount PROFUSIONa city that has an abundance of fine restaurants
  2. AFFLUENCEWEALTHa life of abundance
  3. relative degree of plentifulnesslow abundances of uranium and thorium— H. C. Urey

source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition of Plentiful

  1. containing or yielding plentyplentiful land
  2. characterized by, constituting, or existing in plenty

source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

You are wealthy when you have achieved “a great quantity of money and/or possessions.” Wealth is an end state. Abundance, on the other hand, is a mindset that can be obtained by generating as much creativity in your life as possible. The key word being ample which means generously sufficient because only if you give yourself enough will it get back to you!

Process to Begin Creating Financial Abundance In Our Lives

money mindset for prosperity

Are you a victim or a creator? Yes, This is YOUR Choice

Victims tend to feel as if other people and/or situations are acting against them and they can’t do anything about it. They feel under attack and out of control. Victims tend to be defensive, submissive or even passive-aggressive in a conflict. They are focused on what they DON’T want, so their problems tend to multiply.

Victims want to get rid of or get away from their problems. A victim’s actions result in temporary and reactive solutions.

Creators are focused on what they DO want. They still face the same problems, but their focus is on problem solving and the ultimate outcome.

Creators want to bring into being (manifest) the outcome they desire. Creators produce satisfying and sustainable results over time.

Take Out The Trash ~ Physical Clearing

Get rid of ALL the possessions that don’t make you feel like a million bucks. Clean up your house by going through each room and looking for things that don’t make you happy. If something is broken, fix it or get rid of it. By keeping it, you are subconsciously telling yourself that you’re not worthy of good things.

Be brutal with your wardrobe, get rid of things that don’t fit or you don’t like (sell them, donate or repurpose) Even delete toxic friends from your phone and Facebook! 

I know, drama can be exciting and entertaining, but not so much when it’s taking energy away from your goals. Just Say No, Set the negativity free from your life.

Deal With Your Baggage – Emotional Clearing.

It’s impossible to create an outrageously successful life when you’re carrying around lots of emotional baggage that is constantly sabotaging you. It’s time to forgive anyone or anything that is holding you back and let it go.

Make a list of everyone who has hurt you and make the choice to release yourself from their hold by forgiving them. I practice this ongoing, no need for this negative brain clutter! It saps my energy. Mostly, it takes focus away from the good I am intended to receive in life.

Get Clear About What You REALLY Want

This is not the time to be overly realistic. GO FOR IT!! In your wildest dreams, what would you wish for? You are allowed to have the biggest and shiniest of everything! Be specific.

Asking for “more money” and finding a dollar under your car seat is not exactly what you’re going for. If you want a big raise, how big? If you want a new house, what does it look like? (this is where you may want to make a vision board)

Take Inspired Action

Nothing happens until you take action! If your goal is so big that it’s causing anxiety and fear, causing you to procrastinate – just take one tiny baby step towards it.

Break your goal down into manageable tasks then take one tiny baby step each day towards it. You will eventually get there. It won’t happen overnight, but if you continue to take action, you’ll reach your goal in no time. 

Keep your goals close by at all times so you can look at them (list or photo) when you feel like you’re losing focus.

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” ~

Wayne Dyer

“Abundance is the process of letting go; that which is empty can receive.” ~

Bryant H. McGill

“The key to abundance is meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.”


Marianne Williamson

“Why are you so enchanted by this world, when a mine of gold lies within you?”



“Your fortune is not something to find but to unfold.”


Eric Butterworth

Final Words

When we increase our financial energy, we open ourselves up to more opportunities and increase the flow of money into all areas of life.

The good news is that you can do this on your own by making small changes in how you think about finances. And once these new habits are instilled, it will become second nature for you to use them over time–and eventually they’ll be a part of who you are!

So what’s stopping you from taking back control? Start with one change today and see where it leads!

How To Create More Financial Abundance In Your Life - read these tips for making good decisions and creating more financial abundance in your life!

Matt R

Hi, my name is Matt and I'm the founder of Barefoot Budgeting. This site is dedicated to one thing... helping you budget and save money.

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